Transformation cosmetics alter the player's appearance or properties. This can include disguising the player as another entity, changing their size, or adding a glowing effect.
Configuration Options:
enabled: Enables or disables the cosmetic.
name: The display name of the cosmetic item.
description: The description of the cosmetic item.
item: Defines the item used to represent the cosmetic in menus.
head: A Base64 encoded string representing the player head texture.
type: Specifies the cosmetic type as TRANSFORMATION.
entity: (Disguise Option) The entity type to disguise the player as (e.g., AXOLOTL).
size: (Size Change Option) A decimal to scale the player by. For example, 1.5 will make the player 1.5x bigger.
glowColor: (Glow Option) The color of the glow effect around the player. Available colors: BLACK, DARK_BLUE, DARK_GREEN, DARK_AQUA, DARK_RED, DARK_PURPLE, GOLD, GRAY, DARK_GRAY, BLUE, GREEN, AQUA, RED, LIGHT_PURPLE, YELLOW, WHITE. Only one of entity, size, or glowColor should be active in a single cosmetic.
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