Emotes change the player's head texture to display different expressions or animations. This is achieved by cycling through a series of head textures at a defined frequency.
Configuration Options:
enabled: Enables or disables the cosmetic.
name: The display name of the cosmetic item.
description: The description of the cosmetic item.
item: Defines the item used to represent the cosmetic in menus. Specifically, the head value defines the default head texture.
head: A Base64 encoded string representing the player head texture.
type: Specifies the cosmetic type as EMOTE.
frequency: The interval (in ticks) at which the head texture is updated. Lower values result in faster animation.
faces: A list of head textures to cycle through.
1, 2, 3, ...: Each number represents a frame in the animation.
head: A Base64 encoded string representing the player head texture for that frame.
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