Complex Particles
Complex particles create visually appealing effects around the player using predefined patterns and particle types. These allow for intricate designs like halos, wings, and orbiting shapes.
Configuration Options:
enabled: Enables or disables the cosmetic.
name: The display name of the cosmetic item.
description: The description of the cosmetic item.
item: Defines the item used to represent the cosmetic in menus.
type: The Material of the item.
type: Specifies the cosmetic type as COMPLEX_PARTICLE.
pattern: The particle pattern to use. Available options include: ANGEL_WINGS, DEVIL_WINGS, CIRCLE, HELIX, ORBITING_RINGS, SPHERE, SPIRAL, DOUBLE_SPIRAL, PYRAMID.
particle: The Particle type to use for the effect. Refer to the Spigot documentation for available particle types. (Link provided in the config).
size: The radius or size of the particle effect around the player.
frequency: The interval (in ticks) at which the particle effect is updated. Lower values mean more frequent updates (and potentially more resource usage).
location: The location relative to the player where the particle effect is displayed. Options include: ABOVE_HEAD, FEET, etc.
activation: When the particle effect should be active. Options include: STANDING, MOVING, ALWAYS.
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